Emona Instruments

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Sales price $ 3,649.00
(Excluding GST)

We offer a wide range of EMC pre-compliance test solutions that will allow you to quickly and easily review your designs and make changes as required. Solutions can easily be integrated with Rigol’s spectrum analysers and probes through to TekBox software and accessories that are affordably priced and easy to use for any design engineer or technician.

Our "EMC Test" bundle comprises of three test items:

  • Spectrum Analyser: DSA-815TG 9kHz - 1.5GHz Spectrum Analyser with Tracking Generator
  • Near Field Probes: NFP-3 Near Field Probe Set, 30MHz TO 3GHz
  • EMC Software: EMCView Pre-compliance Testing Software

For our complete range of TekBox EMC accessories and software, click: Emona EMC Test Product Range

Spectrum Analyser: DSA-815TG 9kHz - 1.5GHz Spectrum Analyser with Tracking Generator

SPECIAL OFFER: With FREE DSA-800-EMI EMI Filter & Quasi peak Detector Software, DSA-800-AMK Advanced Measuring Kit & DSA-800-VSWR VSWR Measurement Software, valued at $2,896 Ex GST.

The popular DSA-815 1.5GHz Spectrum Analyser complete package with DSA-800-TG 1.5GHz Tracking Generator.

Frequency Range 9kHz - 1.5GHz
Frequency Resolution 1Hz
Resolution Bandwidth 10Hz to 1MHz in 1-3-10 sequence
Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) -135dBm
Phase Noise -80dBc/Hz at 10kHz
Overall Amplitude Accuracy <1.5dB
Preamplifier & AM/FM Demodulation
TFT LCD 800x480, 8 inch
Printer Support PictBridge
 LAN/USB host, USB device, VGA or GPIB (option)
Internal Flash Disk Storage
1.5GHz Tracking Generator

Near Field Probes: NFP-3 Near Field Probe Set, 30MHz TO 3GH

NFP-3 is used with RIGOL DSA series spectrum analyzers for the EMI tests of electronic products. It can be used to test the magnetic field strength and magnetic field coupling channels on the surface of electronic components as well as the magnetic field environment near electronic modules so as to quickly locate the interference source. NFP-3 includes four models (NFP-3-P1, NFP-3-P2, NFP-3-P3 and NFP-3-P4).

 EMC Software: EMCView Pre-compliance Testing Software


The Tekbox EMC compliance software EMCView for PCs is a user-friendly EMC pre-compliance testing of radiated and conducted emissions. It is a perfect complement for automated testing using our LISNs, RF current probes, measurement antennas and TEM Cells.

A built-in amplitude correction enables correction and conversion coefficients for cables, amplifiers, attenuators, LISNs, TEM cells, antennas, RF current probes, filters and any other component in the signal chain.

There is no need for a time-consuming setup. The SW is ready for measurements straight after installation. All emission related standards and a few automotive manufacturer standards are pre-configured in corresponding project files. The project files take care of all necessary settings to conduct standard compliant measurements. Besides using pre-configured projects, the user can easily create his own projects using a built in editor or any simple text editor.

The graph supports two complete measurement runs such as for example Average / Quasi-Peak or Peak / Quasi Peak and in addition a fast Quasi-Peak scan of critical peaks. Graphs can be saved and overlayed with newer measurements to track and document design modifications.

Furthermore, EMCView together with our GPS receiver can be used to carry out RF-coverage measurements. An export feature creates KML files which link the result to google maps.
Immunity testing is supported with dedicated menus, controlling the tracking generator of the spectrum analyzer.

Tekbox offers two license options:

Analyzer-coupled – the license is coupled to the serial number of the spectrum analyzer. It can be installed on any number of PCs, but it can only control one dedicated spectrum analyzer
PC-coupled: the license is coupled to the Host ID of the PC. It can control any of the supported spectrum analyzer models, but it can only be installed on one dedicated PC.
NOTE: Software limitation without a license: the measurement is limited to the frequency range below 10MHz


  • numerous pre-configured project files for all relevant EMC standards
  • Graph supports two complete measurement runs, same as in test house; simultaneous measurement with two detectors available for a few analyzers
  • fast Quasi-Peak scan of critical peaks, immune to frequency drift of the selected peaks
  • Fast pre-scan
  • configurable limit lines and segment files
  • configurable correction files for cables, LISN, amplifiers, antennas, current probes, etc.
  • configurable margins for the identification and selection of critical peaks
  • supports import and overlaying of reference measurements for comparison purpose
  • linear or logarithmic frequency axis
  • Harmonic markers
  • automatic creation of test reports
  • many import/export-functions
  • graphs can be saved as charts containing meta-data, graphs can be loaded together with the corresponding measurement configuration
  • RF coverage measurements
  • tracking generator control for immunity testing using TEM cells
  • many post-processing features
  • useful calculators

CISPR 16 / EN 55016 Base standard used by EMCView for control and settings of the spectrum analyzers during measurement
CISPR 11 / EN 55011 Industrial, scientific and medical equipment – Radio-frequency disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement
CISPR 12 / EN 55012 Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines – Radio disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of off-board receivers
CISPR 13 / EN 55013 Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment -Radio disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement; replaced by CISPR 32
CISPR 14 / EN 55014 Electromagnetic compatibility – Requirements for household appliances, electric tools and similar apparatus
CISPR 15 / EN 55015 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment
CISPR 22 / EN 55022 Information technology equipment – Radio disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement; replaced by CISPR 32
CISPR 25 / EN 55025 Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines – Radio disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of on-board receivers
CISPR 32 / EN 55032 Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment – Emission requirements
CISPR 36 / EN 55036 Electric and hybrid electric road vehicles – Radio disturbance characteristics – Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of off-board receivers below 30 MHz
IEC / EN 61000-6-3 generic EMC emission standard applicable only if no relevant dedicated product EMC standard has been published; residential environments
IEC / EN 61000-6-4 generic EMC emission standard applicable only if no relevant dedicated product EMC standard has been published; industrial environments
IEC / EN 300330 Short Range Devices; Radio equipment in the frequency range 9 kHz – 25 MHz and inductive loop systems in the frequency range 9 kHz – 30 MHz
IEC / EN 60945 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems
EN 15194 Electrically power assisted cycles
MIL-STD-461G United States Military standard for electromagnetic compatibility
FCC15 Subpart B FCC emission limits for two major classes of unintentional radiators
IEC / EN 61000-4-6 Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields; used for immunity feature in EMCview PRO
ISO 11452-4 Road vehicles – Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy; used for immunity feature in EMCview PRO
IEC / EN 61000-4-20 Emission and immunity testing in transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waveguides; used for Near-field to far-field correlation feature in EMCview

Various car manufacturer specific standards have been partially implemented. These standards will be updated and additional manufacturer standards will be introduced in future releases of EMCView

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