Emona Instruments

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STM Lepto


The Nanovie STM Lepto is a compact and affordably priced nanoscale microscope for 3D imaging, spectroscopy and lithography.

With the STM Lepto's compact size and light weight of less than 2kg, experiments and research can be quickly and easily carried under ambient conditions, without the need of a vacuum chamber and a vibration isolation table. This frees STM users from the laboratory and allows the STM Lepto to be operated anywhere, for example in classroom and lecture theatre demonstrations.

Nanovie STM Lepto Highlights:

  • Optimal resolution: horizontal 2nm, vertical 0.1nm
  • Operates under ambient conditions
  • In-liquid scan with a liquid cell
  • Lithography - nanoscale manipulation and in-situ rescan
  • I-V Curve - electrical characteristics analysis (STS)
  • Automatic tip-to-sample approach
  • Restoration of the damaged tip during scan
  • Comprehensive set of image processing and analysis tools






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