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  • QL - Oscium iOS Test Instruments

    Oscium iOS Test Instruments

Oscium iOS Test Instruments

Oscium's innovative test equipment modules take advantage of the intuitive features and touchscreen technology of the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch and interface via the iOS family's 30-pin dock connector to create a new category of cutting edge test equipment called iOS Test. Oscium's iOS Test equipment platform is uniquely intuitive, portable and modular.

The Oscium iOS test equipment range covers:

  • WiPry-COMBO Spectrum Analyser & Dynamic Power Meter
  • iMSO Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
  • LogiScope Logic Analyser

Oscium's iMSO-104 iPAD oscilloscope was also recently recognised as one of the 100 most technologically significant products of 2012 with the prestigious "R&D100 Award" by the editors of R&D Magazine in the US.

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